Bestuurslid Serv Wiemers aanwezig bij de International Treaty Council

Den Haag, 25 mei 2018

Serv Wiemers, nieuw bestuurslid van de NANAI, is persoonlijk uitgenodigd door Phyllis Young om als Official Observer naar een bijzondere bijeenkomst te gaan. Op 21-24 juni 2018, komen Lakota en andere indianen samen voor een combinatie van vier dagen ceremoniën rond de Zonnewende voor de stervende Leonard Crow Dog, en een meeting van de International Indian Treaty Council. Het is op de voor indianen heilige berg: Bear Butte, South Dakota, VS. Als Serv terug is van deze bijzondere bijeenkomst zullen wij vanuit de NANAI de informatie zo snel mogelijk delen!

Over de meeting van de International Indian Treaty Council:
The International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) is pleased to announce that we are co-hosting the “44th Anniversary Treaty Conference” with the Sigancu (Rosebud) Treaty Council from June 21-24, 2018 in Lakota, Nakota and Dakota Treaty Territory at Mato Maha (Bear Butte Lodge), South Dakota.

The theme of the Conference is Treaty Right to Food, Treaty Right to Water, Hecel Mitakuye Oyasin Wiconipi Ktelo: “So that all my relatives will live”.

The Conference will include panel presentations and small group discussions (Commissions) to develop joint strategies and positions on key concerns for Indigenous Peoples around the world. These include: Treaties and Treaty rights, restoring traditional Indigenous governments and legal systems, food sovereignty, environmental and reproductive health, rights of Indigenous women and children, protection of sacred places and cultural rights, decolonization and the Doctrine of Discovery, strategies to combat extractive industries on Indigenous lands, and climate change. A special focus will be on developing and strengthening cross-border strategies to oppose pipelines, in particular the Keystone XL Pipeline which will carry Tar Sands crude oil from Canada through Lakota Treaty territory.

This year’s Treaty Conference will include participation of many Indigenous youth and tribal college students in South Dakota and elsewhere to present innovative solutions for human rights and the environment including climate change as the next generation of our leaders. It is vital, now more than ever, to have youth at this Treaty Conference working side by side with our elders to develop and implement solutions to the difficult challenges we face as Indigenous Peoples.

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